Scenarios and plots
Scenarios and plots are the situations, stories, scenarios, and events which occur within both external and internal hallucinations. These behave in an almost identical fashion to the plots and scenarios that occur during ordinary dream states and often include cognitive delusions that result in one accepting the plot as a real life event. On rare occasions, however, they will be immediately recognized as a mere hallucination and not a real life event.
During this effect, the typical components which comprise standard hallucinatory states (settings, sceneries, and landscapes and autonomous entities) begin behaving and co-operating in a manner which results in the experience of events occurring within the hallucination itself. These are often perceived as linear and coherent plots that occur in a logical sequence by leading into other events through normal cause and effect. However, they are equally likely to present themselves as completely nonsensical and incoherent. For example, they may consist of nonlinear or spontaneous events which are capable of ending, starting, and changing between each other repeatedly in quick succession.
These hallucinated plots can consist of new experiences that are completely unlike the real world, old experiences such as accurate memory replays, or a combination of the two. However, in terms of their precise content, this effect is impossible to define in a comprehensive manner in much the same way that one cannot predict the exact plot of unknown literature and films. They can, however, be summarized as basic occurrences which often entail visiting a setting that contains interactive objects and autonomous entities. It is also worth noting that the possible situations one may find themselves in as a result of this effect can be either positive or negative to experience in a manner which is dependent on both its content and the individual undergoing them.
Hallucinatory plots and scenarios usually feel as if they are being experienced in real-time. For example, when 20 seconds has passed within the hallucination, the same amount of time will usually have passed in the real world. At other points, however, time distortion can occur, resulting in plots and scenarios that can feel as if they last days, weeks, months, years, aeons, or infinitely extended periods.
Scenarios and plots are most commonly induced under the influence of heavy dosages of hallucinogenic compounds, such as psychedelics, dissociatives, and deliriants. However, they can also occur less commonly under the influence of stimulant psychosis, and sleep deprivation.
Psychoactive substances
Compounds within our psychoactive substance index which may cause this effect include:
- 1B-LSD
- 1P-LSD
- 1V-LSD
- 1cP-AL-LAD
- 1cP-LSD
- 1cP-MiPLA
- 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine
- 25B-NBOH
- 25B-NBOMe
- 25C-NBOH
- 25C-NBOMe
- 25D-NBOMe
- 25E-NBOH
- 25I-NBOH
- 25I-NBOMe
- 25N-NBOMe
- 2C-B
- 2C-B-FLY
- 2C-C
- 2C-D
- 2C-E
- 2C-I
- 2C-P
- 2C-T
- 2C-T-2
- 2C-T-21
- 2C-T-7
- 3-Cl-PCP
- 3-HO-PCE
- 3-HO-PCP
- 3-MeO-PCE
- 3-MeO-PCP
- 3C-E
- 3C-P
- 4-AcO-DET
- 4-AcO-DMT
- 4-AcO-MET
- 4-AcO-MiPT
- 4-HO-DET
- 4-HO-DPT
- 4-HO-DiPT
- 4-HO-EPT
- 4-HO-MET
- 4-HO-MPT
- 4-HO-MiPT
- 4-MeO-PCP
- 5-MeO-DiPT
- 5-MeO-MiPT
- 6-APB
Experience reports
Anecdotal reports which describe this effect within our experience index include:
- Experience:100ug 1P-LSD - A Fear and loathing into Bliss
- Experience:150mg MDMA + 20mg 2C-B - I designed it this way myself
- Experience:25mg - A labyrinth of organs and a storybook walk
- Experience:300ug LSD - Profound religious experience
- Experience:300µg LSD - Togetherness and the Silent Dusk
- Experience:5.3g psilocybe cubensis - Dimensional Circumstance and the Fabric of Understanding
- Experience:60mg Zolpidem - A Delirious Adventure
- Experience:LSA (20 HWBR seeds) – A pleasant adventure with a harsh body load
- Experience:LSD (150µg) + Cannabis - 150µg lsd and a shitload of weed
- Experience:Meditation with cannabis - terminated ego loss
- Experience:Mushrooms (~0.5 g) - Autonomous Voice