Bad vibes

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Skull and crossbones darktextred2.png

Warning: disturbing or upsetting content

“No light, no hope, no love, no grace, the end of days has claimed its place.”

The content presented on this page has been specifically designed to create difficult emotions. But it excludes videos from shock sites. The content policy of this page is similar to Wikipedia, and YouTube, where a lot of the content is embedded from. But it shouldn't be taken lightly, as some videos might trigger nausea even in a sober state of mind (think The iconic Alien chestburster scene).

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You must login to your YouTube-account (you can do so in a separate tab and then refresh this tab) to view age restricted videos.

(Epilepsy warning)

Bad news




Microtonal music, dissonant soundscapes, music with disturbing sounds or songs with uncanny lyricism



Everybody you have ever known or loved will someday die.

Guides for psychedelic therapy

Videos for psychedelic therapy

Music for psychedelic therapy


Unspeakable horrors

Skull and crossbones darktextred2.png

Disturbing or upsetting content

The materials in this playlist may be disturbing to viewers, especially in an altered state of mind, where it can induce a bad trip and even psychosis. However, the playlist was made to intentionally learn how to deal with suffering. Please proceed at your own risk. You have been warned.

Dark music



The only things you are guaranteed within this life are suffering and death, we all die alone in spasms of agony... Nothing lasts forever.

no: FkpPwpX.jpg, no: 1WjjBlc.jpg, no: 0EvBcsq.jpg, no: 9GWgoG7.jpg, no: 8oqtLH8.jpg, no: Lovecraftsnightmare.jpg, no: 4mhVhOl.jpg, no: National Park by HR Giger.jpeg, no: King in yellow by Borja Pintado.jpg, no: GnOfVv2.jpg, no: BgzR0Ns.jpg, no: U0owfdc.jpg, no: Hatheg-Kla by MOracz.jpg, no: Cathedral.jpg, no: KV55lA4.jpg, no: Paradise lost clean by emaydani.jpg, no: V58HTkt.jpg, no: Vigilant Jester by Tespia.jpg, no: Abrogation by Chaos inception.jpg, no: LWC82Si.jpg, no: A merging to the boundless by Star Gazer.jpg, no: Hr giger the spell iv.jpg, no: Hr giger landschaft.jpg |}

Pictures of the Year

Wikipedia Picture of the Year candidate images with dark twists.

no: Empusa fasciata redpit.jpg, no: Evolution of a Tornado.jpg, no: Port and lighthouse overnight storm with lightning in Port-la-Nouvelle.jpg, no: Railroad1860.png, no: Glühwendel brennt durch.jpg, no: Rust and dirt.jpg, no: Covid-19 San Salvatore 09.jpg, no: HomelessParis 7032101.jpg, no: Agassiz statue.jpg, no: เศียรพระพุทธรูปในรากโพธิ์.jpg, no: File:Woolsey Fire - tree ridge in flames 20181119-PB-008.jpg, no: Coca Cola - Mexican death sentence.jpg, no: Nagasaki temple destroyed.jpg, no: High Trestle Trail Bridge, Madrid, Iowa, United States (Unsplash F9o7u-CnDJk).jpg, no: Cyclone Catarina from the ISS on March 26 2004.JPG, no: Firefighter, Ashton Bay, March 2017.jpg, no: Drosera anglica ne2.jpg, no: Darvasa gas crater panorama crop.jpg

See also

External links