Talk:Main Page

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Mugwort is an Oneigernic substance, meaning its psychoactive effects are most pronounced while a user is sleeping.

(This article is incomplete)

The main active chemical in mugwort is thujone - which can be found in certain sage species, as well as wormwood (the primary ingredient in absinthe).

Pregnant women are highly discouraged from using mugwort due to its abortive properties. Ingesting high levels of thujone can be toxic, so it is advised to take caution when using this substance.

Mugwort has been used to induce lucid dreaming, as it extends REM sleep. Although it has mild psychoactive effects when taken while awake. A nickname for mugwort is sailor's tobacco. Reportedly many sailors who couldn't get their hands on tobacco would smoke mugwort instead for similar effects. Mugwort is not hallucinogenic while awake for standard doses, though it's effects can be very intense when used for sleep. Lucid Delirium (talk) 06:37, 7 November 2022 (UTC)

This seems interesting, Thujone seems to be the culprit for some of the effects. As a GABA antagonist, it causes effects that would be inverse to that of alcohol, such as stimulation, alertness, etc. Definitely want to look more into the dream potentiation and lucid dreaming potential Rosesareblue (talk) 15:02, 6 January 2023 (UTC)

Mugwort is of the Artemrsia family related to Southerneood and wormwood, famed for its use in Absinthe production as the key ingredient. However, Mugwort is known as a weed that grows on the barren lands of the wayside, traditionally said to protect the traveller. Its main value is as a vermifuge, insect repellent. The other instance in which the burning of the smouldering herb is in the practice of Chinese acupuncture where it is used as what is called Moxa. I could tell you more on the subject only my much missed personal writings were stolen by some vengeful psychopath intent on wrecking my life. I dare not share too much more lest he be trawling my key strokes. These bloody evil geniuses are the bane of my life.say no more! Rainy (talk) 16:19, 22 October 2023 (UTC)

Talk: Fenproporex

Fenproporex [3-(1-phenylpropan-2-ylamino)propanenitrile] is a substitued amphetamine, closely related to amphetamine itself, since it is a pro-drug, meaning fenproporex is almost inactive before the process to metabolize it to amphetamine. It is a common appetite suppressant and anorexigenic drug. subjective effects seem to be the same as amphetamine with three most notorious differences: stronger agressivity enhancement, appetite suppression and less cogntive euphoria, stimulation, and also weaker cognitive effects, while still being stronger than methylphenidate, modafinil, caffeine. it resembles the lisdexanfetamine (vyvanse) feeling, with less peak effects, probably meaning it metabolism.

Femproporex is also commonly used by truck drivers and night workers due to its stimulant effects. It also indicates not adequated ambient of work, making the worker seeking drugs to work more. Driving or operating heavy machinery on sleep deprivation and use of stimulants is higly unadivised and may result in fatal consequences. Raphael the fussy devil (talk) 20:48, 1 May 2023 (UTC)

Website is dead

Fix it. Nuff said MountainTraveler (talk) 08:12, 11 May 2023 (UTC)

i swear bro have to go to reddit 😭😭😭😭 Saferusenshizz (talk) 01:10, 20 April 2024 (UTC)