Experience:1000ug / 1 tab - No sense of enlightenment but absolutely breath taking visuals

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Experience reports - 25I-NBOMe

  • Dosage: 1000 micrograms (1 tab)
  • Misc: Had consumed several drinks prior


Spontaneously decided to dose with my best friend on a drunken night in college. Come up was much like that of 25C-NBOMe, rapid, numbing of the mouth, bitter, etc. Had the constant feeling as though I were about to yawn but did not and paced quite frequently.

Went upstairs feeling that I had to be alone, and lay down on my friend's bed. The drug had a pleasant body sensation but I soon began to move uncontrollably, I think almost slowly but in a way that I couldn't really stop. I saw my arms and legs moving in the air without being able to stop it, and I began to salivate profusely and drooled off the side of my friend's bed. I felt hot and my heart may or may not have been racing (again, long time ago). I remember feeling that I must be dying but was actually okay with it and accepted it and stared into my friend’s hallway light.

Some time passed and my seizure eventually subsided. I think my friend (on 25I) came in and I told him and he said I should have got someone. And I think I mentioned it around the group tripping down stairs (2 on LSD, myself and 2 others on 25I, one on 25C), but some people did not really notice except my one friend (on LSD).

We went onto my friend's balcony and I remember having very vivid visuals of the shadow of a lamp-post branching out into very spindly, geometric fractals. I said "Who needs DMT if you have this?" (prior to trying it later on!), in reference to the intensity of the visuals (on 25C I stared at the ceiling which began with a fractal pattern and then the whole ceiling opened up at the bricks into blackness, feeling similarly). - not really relevant

We went back inside and the other person who I had not met before and had no prior experience with NBOMes (although mine is not super vast either) seemed to be weirdly psychologically affected by the drug to the point of making me extremely uncomfortable. He was psycho-analyzing my other friend on 25I, asking repeatedly asking him the same pseudo-philosophical questions that actually made no sense. My friend seemed exhausted but dutifully answered all of his questions and I was freaked out, imagining all of these paranoid scenarios in which this guy had stalked us and was following us, entertaining that he was some inside-guy of some sort. He continued to blab loops of questions and sounded extremely condescending while blabbing nonsense.

I just sat on the arm of my friend’s chair feeling extremely awkward and drained from the seizure- no more euphoric pleasant feelings, more just paranoia. Later most people filtered out, and the annoying blabbing guy took the most to leave. At this point I was heavily believing the delusions and remained where I sat, convinced that if I moved he would try something against my friend. Eventually my friend (whose house it was) and I went upstairs, him trying to sleep, and me because I was too afraid to leave his house. I kept thinking paranoid thoughts until the guy had left. Morning had come. I then cried a great deal about everything, and fretted about other emotional conflicts (my boyfriend, etc.) and could not sleep and felt super on edge. Then I eventually left my friend to go back to my dorm feeling paranoid and looking over my shoulder the whole way.

With the NBOMes (I’ve done 25I once, 25C probably 3 times) I never really feel any sense of enlightenment, more just feeling confused and jumping around from thought to thought (my best friend and I would often joke that 25C was “woop!”, the sound of an extremely thought welling up inside but then leaving before we could articulate it or remember). The visuals are absolutely breath taking and are truly astonishing/immersive (more so than traditional LSD/psilocybin). My thoughts never seem intelligent to me, just “fucked up”. I’ve also done some drawings on 25C, trying to draw the pattern that seems directly in front of my vision (rather than ebbing and flowing as the do with traditionals) and they’ve turned out very creepy and have disturbed me while sober. Overall, other than the visuals I’ve had fairly negative experiences with them, but this was the most uncomfortable. On 25C I’ve gotten some disturbing feelings as well, such as being extremely disgusted by my own body and the feeling of hair coming out of my mouth and a strange split before my teeth that I can feel with my tongue (very gross). One time the next day I felt almost high the entire day, not on NBOMe, but a euphoria that I was happy to be alive and no longer feeling so horrible. I went on an eighth mushroom trip the next day (25C), feeling super elated and happy. Throughout the entire mushroom trip (in the freezing snow for six hours, getting numb and struggling to walk at points) with my two other friends I was extremely elated the entire time and it was a great trip, though I never felt out of control or anything (but I tend not to on psychedelics). I think it may have seemed that I was tripping less (due to a 25C-NBOMe/psilocybin cross tolerance), but I am not entirely sure as one of my friends said it seemed as though I was. It was also a shroom tea, so I am not entirely sure if that would have diluted it either!

Super long, apologies, but a lot came back as I was writing! Hope this is interesting/fun to read!

Submitted by - Anonymous Disregardeverythingisay reader

Effects analysis

  • Spontaneous physical sensations - "The drug had a pleasant body sensation"
  • Physical autonomy - " I soon began to move uncontrollably, I think almost slowly but in a way that I couldn't really stop. I saw my arms and legs moving in the air without being able to stop it"
  • Increased salivation - " I began to salivate profusely and drooled off the side of my friend's bed."
  • Increased heart rate - "I felt hot and my heart may or may not have been racing"
  • Delusion - " I remember feeling that I must be dying but was actually okay with it and accepted it and stared into my friend’s hallway light."
  • Seizure - "Some time passed and my seizure eventually subsided." "I just sat on the arm of my friend’s chair feeling extremely awkward and drained from the seizure- no more euphoric pleasant feelings, more just paranoia."
  • Transformations - " very vivid visuals of the shadow of a lamp-post branching out into very spindly, geometric fractals."
  • Delusion - " I was freaked out, imagining all of these paranoid scenarios in which this guy had stalked us and was following us, entertaining that he was some inside-guy of some sort." "At this point I was heavily believing the delusions and remained where I sat, convinced that if I moved he would try something against my friend."
  • Thought disorganization - "I never really feel any sense of enlightenment, more just feeling confused and jumping around from thought to thought"