Talk:Argyreia nervosa

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Argyreia nervosa
Elephant creeper (Argyreia nervosa) - 20100808.jpg
Taxonomical nomenclature
Kingdom Plantae
Unranked Angiosperms
Unranked Eudicots
Unranked Asterids
Order Solanales
Family Convolvulaceae
Genus Argyreia
Species A. nervosa
Common nomenclature
Common names Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, HBW. Elephant creeper
Active constituents LSA

Argyreia nervosa (commonly known as Hawaiian baby woodrose or HBW for short) is a perennial climbing plant in the Convolvulaceae family.

Common names

Hawaiian baby woodrose, elephant creeper, bastantri (Sanskrit), vrddhadarukah (Sanskrit), samandar-ka-pat (Hindi), pili-kai (Hawaiian)[1]


Studies showed that the seeds of A. nervosa contain the highest percentage of indole alkaloid constituents (0.5-0.9%) in the Convolvulaceae family.[2] The primary psychoactive alkaloid of HBW is LSA, other ergolines such as ergometrine, lysergol/elymoclavine/setoclavine, chanoclavine, lysergic acid and their respective stereoisomers have been detected.[3]

Habitat and description

History of human usage


See also

External links


  1. The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants
  2. Chao, J.-M. and Der Marderosian, A. H. (1973), Ergoline alkaloidal constituents of hawaiian baby wood rose, argyreia nervosa (Burm. f.) bojer. J. Pharm. Sci., 62: 588–591. doi:10.1002/jps.2600620409
  3. Studies on the alkaloid composition of the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Argyreia nervosa, a common legal high.|